Soprano 1 Ascot Gavotte Beyond the sea Can you see Fields of Gold Lord Bless You Lovely Peace Out of My Dreams Rhythm of Life Send in the Clowns Somewhere Sound of Silence Under the Sea What a wonderful world When I fall in love Wonderful Guy Whistle down the Wind Wouldn't it be loverly Soprano 2 - Upper Ascot Gavotte Beyond the Sea Can you see Fields of Gold Lord Bless You Lovely Peace Out of my dreams Rhythm of Life Send in the Clowns Somewhere Sound of Silence Under the Sea What a Wonderful When I fall in love Wonderful Guy Whistle Down the Wind Wouldn't it be loverly Soprano 2 - Lower Ascot Gavotte Beyond the Sea Can you see Fields of Gold Lord Bless You Lovely Peace Out of my dreams Rhythm of Life Send in the Clowns Somewhere Sound of Silence Under the Sea What a Wonderful When I fall in love Wonderful Guy Whistle Down the Wind Altos Ascot Gavotte Beyond the Sea Can you see Fields of Gold Lord Bless You Lovely Peace Out of my dreams Rhythm of Life Send in the Clowns Somewhere Sound of Silence Under the Sea What a Wonderful When I fall in love Wonderful Guy Whistle Down the Wind Wouldn't it be loverly All Parts Ascot Gavotte Beyond the Sea Can you see Fields of Gold Lord Bless You Lovely Peace Out of my dreams Rhythm of Life Send in the Clowns Somewhere Sound of Silence Under the Sea What a Wonderful When I fall in love Wonderful Guy Whistle Down the Wind All parts Live Concert Recordings Anthemu0026nbsp; Come follow the band Do you hear the people sing I dreamed a dream Don't cry for me Argentina Think of me Top of the World Love changes everything I have a dream Memory Bridge over troubled water Your song Imagine